Friday 3 October 2014


Okay the next entries i want to show you many beautiful and unique islands in Australia . I'm very surprise when i see an islands....the islands have attract me to share to you all the unique islands..
 let's see the islands below:
Fraser Islands-a sand island that is largest in the world in year 1992
Hamilton Islands-a island that is popular because more than from 150 sailing ship from whole Australia and New Zealand will gather for a week to consolidate ethnic relation around the island.
Kangaroo Islands-this island have nature reserve to protect natural plants remnants and animal that not yet extinct, and also largest in get to know as Flinders Chase National Park.
Daydream Islands-in get to know as "daydream" because it from a sailing ship's name
Prince of Wales Islands-
in name Aurther Philip in conjunction with New South's first governor Wales
Philip Islands-having concrete bridge originally wooden to communicate San Remo mainland town with New Haven's town island.
Great Keppel Islands-there is 17 sandy beaches with a few highest safeguards hard coral reef.
Heron Islands-island coral with tropica of capricorn.

writer:Nur  Afiqah binti Sazali

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