Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Village with the Painted Doors....

Hi friends. When it strikes broad, why not Italy. So i went through a couple of blogs and consulted a few travel books after which i concluded with a a rural village of the Italian Riveria, flanked by the Mediteranean. And the place is called Valloria_ The town of the painted doors.

Much of an acclaim came through the name Angelo Balestra, an inhabitant of valloria, who at his early age, like other young guys, moved to Milan in search of jobs. Angelo was a much acclaimed name in the advertisement industry in Italy, and one day it suddenly stroked him about doing something for his own small town.  So he came up with the strong concept of painting the doors of Valloria. The painting collection varies from Marcello Bonomi's "Madonna and Child"to Rosario Curcio's "trompe l'oeil". Also famous illustrator Marco Scuto created a man in the Marry Poppins style with an umbrella in one hand and a Tyre pump on the other.
Although Florence trained painter Alessandra Puppo said "No one is paid" but "its an honour to participate in the renewed life of this beautiful old village".
So if you get a chance of travelin through Italy, do go for this wonderful creation of artistic doors of Valloria... :)

By: Tengku Farahana Amira Bt. Tengku Azzlan

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