Tuesday 30 September 2014


Huffington Post says SABAH IS THE BEST PLACES TO SEE SUNSET. I guees there might be a few reasons, the sun looks biggers near the equator, our air is clean for better clarity of sunset, and magnificent view of sky for the sunset.

this is the 8 best places to see sunset at SABAH...taht i had been there for a while to see sunset...



only 22km for the Kota Kinabalu City(KK)  , SUTERA HARBOUR is highly accessible and it is next to 5-star Sutera Harbour  Resort.

unlike the bustling and noisy city, Sutera Harbour is clean and quiet place for holidays, providing a better ambiance to appriciate sunset.

2)Bukit Padang 

You need to workout a bit to earn the breath-taking view of sunset on the top of Bukit Padang.
Bukit Padang is a small hill is a small jogging park at KK city at Tun Fuad Stephens Park.

The uphill trails is a good training site for people who want to climb to Mount Kinabalu. You can see many people here during weekends, just follow them walk slowly and you will reach the top in 30 minutes. in the top of Bukit Padang, you will have a bird-eye view of KK and the South China Sea.

3) Waterfront 
Waterfront of the heart KK and a famous Food and Beverages and Night-life centre.

When summer approches, many tourist and locals congregate on the wooden open space platform facing the sea. There were many restaurant at there, you can taste many food at their stall.

4) Tanjung Aru Beach
To KK folks, Tanjung Aru Beaach holds an important place in their memories. many build their first sand castle or being fiorst in love in there.

You can see Sulug and Manukan Island on south China Sea.

5) Pom-Pom Island
Is the one of island on Semporna at east coast of Sabah. Pom-Pom is facing Bohey Dulang island in west side.

Legend says there was have beautiful princess, named Arung Salamiah, hiding on Bohey Island.
There is no resident, except resort guest, in the Pom-Pom.

6) Tip of Borneo
Located on the northern-most tip of Borneo, the third largest island in the world, Tip of Borneo is the meeting point of two vast ocean , namely , South china Sea and Sulu Sea. Tip of Borneo is frequented by tourist even during day time, due to its scenic beach and countryside.

When the sun sinks, the ultra wide sea horizon becomes an infinate stage for the rich colour of sunset, extanding over the edges of your eyesight.

7)Maliau Basin
To see how nature goes to sleep you must visit Maliau Basin Observation Tower, in the middle of Sabah

The sunset is pristine forest reserve is accompanied by numerous of bird chirping and animals calls around you.

8) Weston River 
Popular river cruise destination for sighting of firefly and long nosed-monkey. 

The colours of sunset in Weston is so intense that you can even capture it with low-end phone camera. The sky painted red and yellow , and this colour were reflected by Weston River.

Sabah is really beautiful place that you had to visit...

There were many interesting places that you have to visit when you came to SABAH and it's really peacefull country.


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