Tuesday 30 September 2014


I have many time go to Kota Kinabalu or KK. Form my hometown Beaufort to KK it's take 2 and a half hour to get to the city. There were many interesting place at KK that you had to visit.


From modern shopping malls to bazaar style markets, you can got the best shopping attraction in KK. There were Suria Sabah, Wisma Merdeka, Centrepoint, and KK Plaza was the famous shopping malls if you want to go there.
Just around the vicinity there are bazaars and markets like the KK handicraft (the old philippines markets), KK wet market, Salted fish Markets, and Fruits Markets. You can found bazaar at the old area of Sinsuran, Segama and Kampung Air.
Many others shopping malls were located 10 to 30 minuted drive from KK city. The mall was 1Borneo shopping malls, City Mall KK, Mangalong Mall Penampang and Oceanous Waterfront Mall at KK Waterfront.





As many travellers  love to eat or try new foods, Kota Kinabalu city mall well known for their Seafood and Chinese food mix other local and international food. Seafood is mainly popular by the KK waterfront while Chinese food can be found at numerous place. Gaya Street is one place to start exploring . especially the old coffee shops as this  is the main Chinatown of Kota Kinabalu. 

Kopi botol or Bottle Coffee was the famous drink when you breakfast at Museum Kopitiam Restaurant at Australia Park.

This is one of the popular place to eat is called Kak Nong Restaurant at Harbour City which is just opposite the junction to Sutera Harbour. 




Huffington Post says SABAH IS THE BEST PLACES TO SEE SUNSET. I guees there might be a few reasons, the sun looks biggers near the equator, our air is clean for better clarity of sunset, and magnificent view of sky for the sunset.

this is the 8 best places to see sunset at SABAH...taht i had been there for a while to see sunset...



only 22km for the Kota Kinabalu City(KK)  , SUTERA HARBOUR is highly accessible and it is next to 5-star Sutera Harbour  Resort.

unlike the bustling and noisy city, Sutera Harbour is clean and quiet place for holidays, providing a better ambiance to appriciate sunset.

2)Bukit Padang 

You need to workout a bit to earn the breath-taking view of sunset on the top of Bukit Padang.
Bukit Padang is a small hill is a small jogging park at KK city at Tun Fuad Stephens Park.

The uphill trails is a good training site for people who want to climb to Mount Kinabalu. You can see many people here during weekends, just follow them walk slowly and you will reach the top in 30 minutes. in the top of Bukit Padang, you will have a bird-eye view of KK and the South China Sea.

3) Waterfront 
Waterfront of the heart KK and a famous Food and Beverages and Night-life centre.

When summer approches, many tourist and locals congregate on the wooden open space platform facing the sea. There were many restaurant at there, you can taste many food at their stall.

4) Tanjung Aru Beach
To KK folks, Tanjung Aru Beaach holds an important place in their memories. many build their first sand castle or being fiorst in love in there.

You can see Sulug and Manukan Island on south China Sea.

5) Pom-Pom Island
Is the one of island on Semporna at east coast of Sabah. Pom-Pom is facing Bohey Dulang island in west side.

Legend says there was have beautiful princess, named Arung Salamiah, hiding on Bohey Island.
There is no resident, except resort guest, in the Pom-Pom.

6) Tip of Borneo
Located on the northern-most tip of Borneo, the third largest island in the world, Tip of Borneo is the meeting point of two vast ocean , namely , South china Sea and Sulu Sea. Tip of Borneo is frequented by tourist even during day time, due to its scenic beach and countryside.

When the sun sinks, the ultra wide sea horizon becomes an infinate stage for the rich colour of sunset, extanding over the edges of your eyesight.

7)Maliau Basin
To see how nature goes to sleep you must visit Maliau Basin Observation Tower, in the middle of Sabah

The sunset is pristine forest reserve is accompanied by numerous of bird chirping and animals calls around you.

8) Weston River 
Popular river cruise destination for sighting of firefly and long nosed-monkey. 

The colours of sunset in Weston is so intense that you can even capture it with low-end phone camera. The sky painted red and yellow , and this colour were reflected by Weston River.

Sabah is really beautiful place that you had to visit...

There were many interesting places that you have to visit when you came to SABAH and it's really peacefull country.


Monday 29 September 2014


Ia dinamakan sebagai jamabatan cinta sejati.
Lokasi kegemaran pasangan kekasih ini dipenuhi dengan mangga - beribu-ribu dengan pelbagai saiz dan warna yang menjadi lambang cinta sejati di situ. antara contoh-contoh nya ialah:

pelbagai bentuk dan warna yang menarik.

ada juga yang menulis di atas mangga tersebut, mereka menulis harapan dan doa mereka untuk cinta mereka.

beribu-ribu mangga diletakkan, pengunjung yang datang ke sana pasti akan meletakkan mangga tersebut.

Suatu hari nanti saya harap saya dapat ke sana untuk melihat jambatan cinta sejati ny. ia menarik minat saya untuk pergi ke Bandar Paris. 

Street Art At Machang in Kelantan

Assalamualaikum.. Pada minggu lepas, kami telah pergi ke Machang untuk mencari tempat-tempat yang menarik di Kelantan. Ramai yang cerita pada kami tentang Street Art kat Bandar Machang,Kelantan. Semasa kami ke sana , kami melihat ramai pengunjung yang datang ke sana.
Beberapa gambar yang diambil disana, agak menarik kerana lukisan-lukisan ini dilukis oleh pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Menengah.
Salah satu lukisan yang ada disana. lukisan yang berbentuk lukisan pintu .

Papan Pengiktirafan Street Art yang dirasmikan.

lukisan ini melambangkan tentang kebersihan dan kedamaian negara.

lukisan ni melambangkan tugu negara. Pejuang-pejuang yang telah menuntut keadilan untuk negara.

lukisan yang dibuat untuk menceriakan pengunjung yang datang.

tong yang dilukis untuk kesedaran semua tentang kebersihan dan jangan membuang sampah dimerata-rata tempat.

lukisan kesenian dan kebuyaaan negeri Kelantan.

lukisan untuk membasmi aedes dan denggi.

lukisan yang bertemakan suasana kampung.

lukisan yang bertemakan kitaran semula.

Best experience in IstanbuL ( The heart and soul of Turkey )

Jyeahh , Hai everyone ! Missed me?

Assalamualaikum" for muslims. ( kalau tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab , sayangggg .. )

and "Hi" for non-muslim. . 
I'm one of the admin of this blog. So, haii again. Dont get bored with me okay. Cause I love youuu because you prefer to read this old and ugly blog. *no, no. Just kidding. Hoyeahh.. Let get to my experience and i'll tell you about travel to Istanbul Turki. Or as known as THE AMAZING MUSLIM COUNTRY. It is a full impression of a city. When i arrive at this amazing country, I was to excited. I dont know how to express it coz i very love it. 


General information, Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and the second largest in Middle East. 

Ok, As you know, i love to  travel alone by myself. So, once i arrive there. So, i decide to check in at the hotel on 2pm. Its Grand Beyazit Hotel. The reason i choose this hotel is because i love to feel the service of the hotel. It location is right in the middle of Istanbul's old city. best and will make you comfortable with the best price. After put up all of my things in the hotel room, so i start my travel in Istanbul ! 

At the lunch time until into evening, turkish people love to do a picnik with their family and their lovely person. As it get dark, someone will light a fire and the RAKI will come out, singing, dancing, loudtalk and laugher together. before that, I've plan my picnik . I've pickup supplies from pazar, gıda pazarı or arküteri. Its like read, cheese, olives, fruit and something to drink are about all you need. İstanbul’s Emirgan Parkı is a wonderful place to head with your nosh and your blanket – as well as grassy, shady picnic spots there are tea gardens, a couple of stately restaurants and, on summer weekends, hundreds of Turkish families to make friends with.  So, yeah. This is it. 


Its like, WOW isn't it ? Gathering together and blaa ..  blaa.. bla.. Ouh yeah. As i said, i came here alone by myself. But, when i came here to picnik. many families that i know. Talk with them , and dancing with them. Its so amazing experience. Love it yaa.. 

Then, when it come to dark. I ask for excuses and went back to my hotel room to rest before continue my journey on the next day. 

Day 2 . 

Early at the morning, my throat feels like want to drink some Turkish delight. So, i went to restaurant and ordered it. 


Turkish delight or as known as LOKUM . is a family of confections based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios, and hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel; traditional varieties are mostly gel, generally flavored with rosewater, mastic, bergamot orange or lemon. the confection is often package and eaten in small cubes dusted with icing sugar, copra or powdered cream of tartar to prevent clinging . So, yeah, Is it clear ? 

Then, i continued to take a walk around the city. and guess what ??!!! I've found the Turkish ice cream ! As you see in the movies. malaysian movies ISTANBUL AKU DATANG. 


Is the name given to ice cream in Turkey. Dondurma typically includes the ingredients, milk, sugar,  salep and mastic. It like the Turkish ice cream seller do some magic .
Using a metal bar, he starts by scooping out a dollop of ice cream onto which he sticks a cone. After a few twizzles, he slips it into the customer's pocket, cleverly leaving the cone behind .Then, having added another scoop of ice cream to the end of the pole, he uses that to fish the cone back out of the man's pocket.
During a few more spins, he slyly removes the cone before offering it to the customer who grabs at thin air not realising it has disappeared.
At last! The customer beams from ear to ear after finally getting his hands on the ice cream - for good this time.

The best is ! You wont stop laughing with their trick and jokes what they do to you. 

Then, we'll go to Istanbul attractinos. 

#1 of Tourist Attractions In Istanbul

Hagia Sophia. 

It is most famous for its mosaics depicting various religious scenes. At one time, it was the largest cathedral in the world at one time, and served as the inspiration for other mosques, including the Blue Mosque, as it was such a great example of Byzantine architecture. you know, when you get inside in there. You will saw many amazing thing.

Next attractions, goes to .. Sultan Ahmed Mosque. The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. 

As you can see .. I was to impressed with this  view. 


The best part of my favorite museum is ! Istanbul Modern Museum and Art Gallery. Number one museum to see. 

Istanbul Modern Art Museum

It located at converted warehouse , the museum has fantastic views over the Bosphorus and represents the modern side of Istanbul, located amongst all that history. many tourist can be seen wondering around this gallery in awesome of the work on show. 
Great experience. 

If we go anywere, sight seeing or travel or anything .. SHOPPING is the best part ! Mostly in Istanbul. THE GRAND BAZAAR. .The Grand Bazaar has more than 4000 shops that can cater for any budget and any shopping tastes – It is a woman’s dream and a man’s nightmare.
Inside the Grand Bazaar, Istanbul

While you love to shopping, you will be surprised at the sudden discount that become available when you raise a queation or doubt about purchasing.. I was surprised too ! Then, i was like ? 

"What ?" "Really ?" "Seriously?" - ohh . i cant believe it. 

There are jewellery, carpet, clothes, artwork, souvenirs, and even spices and groceries – prices are reasonable and choices are spoilt. 

Huaaaaahuaaaaahuaaaa ... I was to excited when hear about SHOPPING *sorry. 

This is ISTANBUL HIDDEN STREET. have you hear it ? So, let me tell you. Okay, picture first. 

Sogük Çesme Sokak in Istanbul

This quiet street is lined with beautiful trees and restored historic wooden houses built in the 19th and early 20th centuries backing on to the walls of the Topkapi Palace. Thankfully no cars are allowed to disturb this unspoilt corner of the city.

Sogukçesme Sokagi in Sultanahmet, Istanbul

Sogukçesme Sokagi in Sultanahmet, Istanbul

Konuk Evi Hotel in Sultanahmet

In 1986 the Touring and Automobile Federation restored most of these two and three story houses and converted them to small hotels and restaurants. Known as the Ayasofya Konaklari (The Hagia Sofia Mansions) this group of nine houses are named after flowers whose perfume fills in the spring time…Magnolia House, Jasmine House, Honeysuckle House.

you know what, i love this street because its has quite environment . One that I love to return to

Ok, next ! Next  ! Seriously I cant wait to tell you about the next attraction ! 

Tadaaaaaaa !!!

Rainbow Stairs

Its pretty isn't ?? Yeahh .. I was like , WOW !! .. Guess what, If you’re walking from the Istanbul Modern to the Dolmabahçe Palace, keep a look out on the other side of the road for the painted steps that join Findikli to Cihanger (Cafe Nove is on the corner). 

A local resident painted the stairs to brighten the area but two days later the council painted over them in boring grey! There was such an outcry that they were redone! There are now quite a few stairways in the area that have been painted. LIKE RAINBOW !!!
It was like, something new and different that can make tourist feel the excitement and said "WOW. 

After a long journey ... I was so tired and take a walk in a few minutes. Guess again ! I've found a cafe or restaurant. Bebek is a trendy village in comparison to Arnavutkoy. Fashionable boutiques and gift shops are dotted along the street amongst the many coffee shops and restaurants. We lunched at Kantin Bebek, an off shoot of the famous restaurant in Nişantaşı, eating fabulous takeaway food at a table outside.

Kantin bebek

Last journey for days 2 at Istanbul Tukey. 
, at Roof Top Bars. 
Watching the sun set from one of Istanbul’s many roof top bars is a must! Mikla, at the Marmara Pera Hotel is my favourite but there’s also a fabulous view from 360 in Istiklal Caddesi. 

Just around the corner, Leb-i-Deyra may not be as high but it’s just as much fun on its small seventh floor balcony overlooking the Bosphorus. In Sultanahmet, head to the roof top bar at the The Four Seasons.

Sunset from the roof top bar at Mikla

last day here. I and was so blessed that i could come here. Enjoy, excited , Fun, Interesting, Amazing. Fuuhhh .. ! So, if anyone want to come here in Istanbul, you can come here and feel the excitement. 

writer : Rabi'atul Adawiyah Binti Ros Awari

Sunday 28 September 2014


Assalamualaikum and annyeonghaseyo (안녕하세요)

on this entries i will introduce you about SEOUL KOREA.

1) Gyeongbokgung
Gyeongbokgung Palace arguably the most beautiful and remains the grandest of all five palaces is also called “Northern Palace” because it is the furthest north when compared to the neighboring palaces of Changdeokgung (Eastern Palace) and Gyeongheegung (Western Palace).
The name of the palace, Gyeongbokgung, translates in English as “Palace of Shining Happiness.” The premises were destroyed by fire at the time of Japanese occupation from 1592-1598. However, all of the palace’s 7,700 rooms were later restored under the leadership of Heungseondaewongun during the reign of King Gojong.
The National Palace Museum of Korea is located south of Heungnyemun Gate, and the National Folk Museum is located east within Hyangwonjeong.

oppening hours:

March to October 09:00-18:00 / November to February 09:00-17:00.
  Closed on Tuesday.

2) Myeongdong

It is all about fashion, fashion & fashion in Myeongdong, Seoul’s primary & most famous shopping district. If it’s variety that you’re after, there’s no better place to shop than Myeong-dong where you’ll find everything from internationally-recognized name brands to unique items.
Myeongdong also houses a variety of family restaurants, fast food, plus Korean, Western and Japanese dining options. Many restaurants in Myeongdong specialize in pork cutlet (donkas) and kalguksu (thick noodles).
Not to forget, Myeongdong is the place where everyone shops for famous Korean Cosmetic brands such as Etude House, Skin Food, Laneige, The Face Shop, Missha!

 opening hours:

 10am to 10pm everyday

3)  Bukchon Hanok Village

Situated between by two palaces, Gyeongbokgung to the west and Changdeokgung to the east, this village has the largest cluster of privately owned traditional Korean wooden homes or hanok in Seoul.
The Bukchon area is a traditional residential area in Seoul that boasts 600 years of history. Its location reflects the views of neo-Confucianism, regarding the world and nature, during the Joseon Dynasty.
Hanok architecture places great emphasis on the topographical features of the land on which it is built. Structural arrangements, layouts, and other spatial aesthetics are major concerns here, as are the styles of the buildings themselves.

4)  Namiseom Island

For Korean Drama lovers, Nami Island is a place which does not requires further introduction as this is the birth place of all the Korean Craze. This is one of the place where the famous international KOREAN DRAMA WINTER SONATA was filmed. Hence to put it short, it is a must visit for all Asian tourists!
Namiseom Island was formed as a result of the construction of the Cheongpyeong Dam. It is a half moon shaped (462,809㎡) isle, and on it is the grave of General Nami, who led a great victory against the rebels in the 13th year of the 7th king of the Joseon Dynasty, King Sejo (reign 1455 ~ 1468).

oppening hours:

Daily 7:30am to 9:30pm


Everland is South Korea's largest theme park. With 8.6 million visitors, it's rank 4th most visited theme park in the world by offering 5 main 5 main festivals and exciting entertaiments all year around.
The park is home to over 40 heart-pounding rides and attractions. In additions to 'SAFARI WORLD' featuring white tigers, tigers, lions and bears. 'HERBIVORE SAFARI' opened in April 2010, letting visitors get up close and personal with the safari's giraffe, elephant and ostriches.
Have a gorgeus flowers arrangements and beautiful gardens, which have been year-around fixtures since the ROSE FESTIVALS in 1985.


SUNDAY-FRIDAY: 10.00a.m -06.00p.m


6) Lotte World
This place is world largest indoor theme park. Which is open all year around, an outdoor amusement park called 'Magic Island', an artifial island inside the lake linked by monorail, shopping malls, a luxury hotel, a folk museum, sport facilities, and in movies theaters all in one place.
One of the major reasons tourist are attracted to Lotte World is the ammsement rides. The Gyro Drop and Gyro Swing are the top pleasers-a steep drop with an altitude of 70 meters, or taste the thrilling sensations of being inside the tornado.
Besides the excitement of these ride, Lotte World also variety of parades and laser shows.


MONDAY-THURSDAY; 09.00- 22.00
FRIDAY-SUNDAY: .09.00-23.00


안녕 (annyeong)